Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Official! 'Shathan' Confirms Romance!

TORONTO, Ontario - You heard it here first, when CKNEWS was breaking the story of a possible romance between two friends of cK not too long ago. Well, it was finally confirmed by the couple over an instant message conference this week.

Shelley and N8, which have been referred to as "Shathan" have confirmed their not-so-secret relationship this week. Shelley was first to break the news to the CKNEWS Team and N8 Dogg was spreading the word to his buds with a smile on his face. Needless to say, the CrazyKelviNATION is overjoyed.

"It's about time!!", said CrazyKelvin, "I mean, these two have always liked eachother, I don't know why they didn't start dating sooner?". Indeed, cK makes a great point as 'Shathan' officially met back in 1998, during a CrazyKelvin arranged Victoria Day excursion where CK packed a bunch of his friends in a van that have never before met in a social situation forcing everyone to talk to each other. It was an experiment that planted the seeds many years ago and took just over a decade to finally blossom.

Since then, the duo has maintained a friendship and up until 2001, would only see each other during CrazyKelvin events. When cK moved to the US, 'Shathan' hung out on their own, but at the time strictly on a platonic level.

What's next for the dynamic duo? CKNEWS will be on the scene for any 'Shathan' sightings.
posted at on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 by cK - Category: News & Headlines - 24391 views
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