Tuesday, December 02, 2008

CrazyHouse Acquires Nintendo Wii

BRAMPTON, Ontario - CKNEWS has learned that the official party venue for nWo Toronto has acquired a Nintendo Wii system.

cK and The Tazemaster acquired the Wii System last Monday joining the latest generation of Nintendo users. However, this machine is a far cry from the Nintendo 64 console, which was influential in the early days of nWo Toronto congregations.

In 1998, nWo Toronto members would congregate around an N64 system playing nWo/WCW Revenge or James Bond GoldenEye. These were all 4 player games that involved everyone. However, these games were targeted towards wrestling fans or action junkies.

The newest Nintendo, the Wii -- is made for everyone who doesn't usually play video games. The games on the machine bring people from all backgrounds together to compete interactively. It's quite fascinating.

Already, future Wii parties are being planned for 2009 -- specifically when the 2009 Royal Rumble is being hosted at the Crazy House.
posted at on Tuesday, December 02, 2008 by cK - Category: News & Headlines - 23028 views
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