Thursday, October 30, 2008

cK Series of Unfortunate Events...Times Three

TORONTO, Ontario - Some say that bad things happen in threes, and that could be why October is possibly the worst month of back-to-back incidents for cK, ever!

Some may say it was inevitable, some may be shocked, but one thing is for certain - cK is going to come out stronger than ever. The very first day of October marked the break-up between him and his girlfriend, "Miss D." whom he dated since August of 2006.

Two weeks later, another bomb dropped on cK when he parked his car, the "nWo-4" at CentrePoint Mall and in broad daylight, a thief smashed the driver's side window and stole his GPS device. The same device that cK used when on memorable road trips with Miss D. to Ottawa, Sauble Beach, Montreal and Quebec City. cK was left to replace the glass window and clean the bits of glass left all over the interior.

Finally, another two weeks later, almost like a scheduled death blow, cK is suddenly relieved from his position as senior web designer where he worked since June 2007.

A month of unfortunate events that could have been taken directly out of the 1998 movie, "Enemy of the State" where the lead character played by Will Smith, see his family, his job and everything he knew was taken away from him. Some others could also compare this to the biblical story of Job, whom God tested by taking everything from him while Job was still steadfast in serving him.

cK stated that he was still being optimistic about everything and is still continuing on his path to a new improved "cK". However, he finds the series of unfortunate events both depressing and amusing. He said the following:

If you were to precisely destroy a person bit by bit, and take everything away from them, these are the elements you would attack. The different things that make them function: The love of a relationship, their car (if they have a strong bond with it) and their ways of income (their job). Take all these away at once, and you have a broken person. Sure, I could sit and wallow, but I'm stronger than that -- and just like Kanye West said, {"Whatever don't kill me, can only make me stronger"}.

cK is currently pursuing different avenues for his next career path, we will keep you posted on any new developments in his search for love, life and happiness.

© 2008 CKNEWS Media
posted at on Thursday, October 30, 2008 by cK - Category: News & Headlines - 20969 views
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