Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Mysterious Message

Today while I was one hour to clocking out of my job, a woman approached me in the parking lot...

She looked at me almost like she recognized me from somewhere. When the lady came over to me, she started speaking to me saying,

"Hello... I just sense this vibe.. I had to come over to tell you what I am sensing.. have you ever had a palm reading before?"

I looked at her wondering where this could be going... but answered, "no."

The lady did not introduce herself or ask my name but started talking and telling me just as she was compelled to do. She told me that she sensed that I was set out here to do something, and that I have gotten off track. That I have a purpose and will be successful in the next 3 months. The lady then went on to tell me that she is sensing an uncertainty in my love life. I told her that I do not have any girlfriend whatsoever. She then told me that she feels that I have been hurt in the past, and this is why I have abstained from any dating, but she is compelled to tell me that whenever I am ready, there is a relationship waiting for me.

All of this was soo cool. The lady did not take my hand or read my palm or ask me any specific questions. She just came out of nowhere and told me this information. It is quite interesting, as I was wondering what my future in California would be in the next 3 months prior to her even talking to me. She was giving me assurance for things I was thinking about before she even met me. Was her information too general? I don't know, but it did inspire me and gave me hope in this chapter of my life.
posted at on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 by cK - Category: CrazyKelvin Adventures - 2844 views


Previous Comments

n8 wrote: Only shit like this happens to you.

I get people telling me I have a flat tire. :/
Saturday, October 30, 2004
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