Monday, December 27, 2010

CK's TOP 10 of 2010


10. Kilarney Provincial Park

KILARNEY PROVINCIAL PARK - Number 10 of the best of 2010

In May, my cousin Ron invited me to come up and join him and a friend for a weekend up at Kilarney Provincial Park to camp. It was meant to be a guy's weekend adventure. Fishing, hiking and canoeing. All that and drinking some beer too. The 4 and a half hour drive north of Toronto took us to see breathtaking views and absolute peace and quiet. One of the main highlights was going on a 2 and a half hour trek climbing through trees and rock to get to the top of a mountain and experience an amazing view of pure Canadian wilderness. It was awesome, and gave us a great sense of accomplishment. Did I forget to mention that a bear tried to get into my car while I was sleeping in it?? Good times... Good times...

9. Caribana 2010

CARIBANA 2010 - Number 9 of the best of 2010

In August, my very close friend, Kevin traveled up from Miami to spend a week with me and experience the Toronto annual event of Caribana. We were partying with over 1.5 million people and had an amazing time of dancing and bumping into old friends.. At the parade, I dressed up in my luchadore outfit and joined the masquerade! The Metro Toronto Police actually asked me to take a pic with them! I thought that was quite hilarious!

8. Miamians Comes To Toronto!

CK MAKES NEW MIAMI FRIENDS - Number 8 of the best of 2010

In July, a very random event occurred where one of my Miami friends arrived in Toronto for a weekend, and then brought 2 new friends with him. Laz and Carolina, which of whom have never set foot on Canadian soil, came along for the weekend ride. After picking them up from the airport, I took it upon myself to represent Canada (and Toronto) to the fullest with the short time span that we had. We went clubbing at the Century Room in downtown Toronto, I took them to see Niagara Falls, we ate at the Annual Canada Day Ribfest, bbq'd at Jimmy's house, watched the Brazil World Cup game in Little Brazil, watched Canada Day Fireworks... they had an entire experience jam packed into a few days! It was great making new friends and showing them around.

7. Road Trip: Louisville, Kentucky

ROAD TRIP - KENTUCKY - Number 7 of the best of 2010

In December, I drove down to Kentucky for a party I have been waiting all year for. It's for my niece, Anissia's Sweet Sixteen celebration. Many of my family all traveled from Florida, New York and Toronto to be there for the reunion. It was very bling, at the fancy Glassworks venue in downtown Louisville. The food was catered, there was a great DJ and a multi-tiered cake! I had some good guy time with my cousin-in-law, Tamal and my cousin, Rob. I partied with my cousins Rebecca and Jennifer. We all danced the night away to soca music and indian tassa beats. The road trip going there took me 8 hours, and the weather was decent. However, there was a snowstorm whipping the midwest at the time, and no snow in southern Ontario. I arrived in Kentucky not seeing bluegrass, but snow!! It was worth the drive as I partied with relatives I haven't seen in years. The drive back was quite treacherous, and took me 10 hours as I drove through a lot of sleet.

6. Wasaga and Sauble Beaches

WASAGA AND SAUBLE BEACH - Number 6 of the best of 2010

My friend, Luke and I spent much of the summer driving up to the beaches to soak in some rays and escape the heat wave hitting Toronto. Ontario's beaches (not on Lake Ontario) totally surprise you with their white sands and blue waters. Sauble Beach (on Georgian Bay) and Wasaga Beach (on Lake Simcoe) were favourite destinations of ours. It's almost if you were to be blindfolded, taken on a plane, then after you got in a car and once you got to the beach you remove the blindfold and you'd think you were in Mexico or even Florida! (without the threat of Shark attacks or jellyfish!) The warm and shallow sand waters make it such a pleasure to keep returning. Not to mention really clean! This was definitely a highlight of my summer as it seemed Luke and I were hitting the beaches every other week!

5. Hangin' with Caitlin, Jasmine and Jenni

CK HANGS WITH JASMINE, JENNI AND CAITLIN - Number 5 of the best of 2010

How could I even speak about 2010 without referring to the crazy girls of Kitchener? My dear friends who are my ambassadors to anything in the Kitchener/Waterloo area, which me and The Big Black Machine find to be an untapped source for amazing non-stuck up people, showed us what they do to have to a good time. There were times when they came to Toronto and I was their ambassador, taking them to night clubs, and festivals. We went to a bbq hosted by The Almighty Black Swan and then went to a South Asian Street Festival in the Little India part of Toronto. One specific highlight was their family boat cruise, where we partied the night away. The perfect dusk sun setting on our skin as reggae played throughout the boat. It was a true summer moment, shared by amazing friends.

4. Road Trip: Montreal

ROAD TRIP - MONTREAL - Number 4 of the best of 2010

During the year, I've lost count of how many times I drove to Montreal. Each time got better and better. There were so many adventures: Montreal Jazz Festival, Loft Parties, UFC at a Sports Bar.. my dear friends, Vinh and Bo Wen came along one of the times to see Montreal. One of my good friends from Florida, Cynthia was in Montreal with her dance troupe to perform for a Salsa show and I got to briefly hang out with her by going to Old Montreal for some authentic poutine! So much in Montreal happened that it is hard to pinpoint one moment to use in a picture. Well, the main person that I would go to Montreal was for my dear friend, Anna. This picture was taken while we were riding our bikes along a trail on a perfect summer day.

3. Road Trip: New York City

ROAD TRIP - NEW YORK CITY - Number 3 of the best of 2010

In November, I drove to Montreal and picked up my friends, Anna and Katja. From there, we journeyed down to New York City. It was an adventure I will never forget as when we made a food stop 3 hours outside of our destination, in a little town called Queensbury, New York, my car axle broke! After amazing hospitality by the town's local police, Firestone mechanic team and the staff at Friendly's restaurant, we got sorted out and were on our way. New York City was a weekend of clubbing in the village, late night pizza, going home on the 4 train drunk and doing it again the next day! I also got to see a lot of old friends. Specifically, my best friend in New York, Eric! Whom I haven't seen in 3 years. I met up quickly with Navin, who is my longtime Richmond Hill, NY connection! I also got to see the adorable Bahadur sisters, whom I met when partying in Florida for Spring Break '09! It was a great weekend of making new friends and seeing old faces.

2. CK on 'Family Food' TV Show

CK on FAMILY FOOD TV SHOT - Number 2 of the best of 2010

In August, I was cast to be on an tv cooking show. The TV film crew came to my house turning it into a mini studio to watch me and my Uncle Nat prepare "Madras Style" Butter Chicken. A dish I have never prepared. I was an expert whiz, especially since I had a home court advantage using my own kitchen. The show is called, "Family Food with Charles Demers". I had the pleasure of meeting Charlie and his entire family, which I can now call my own. It was an wonderful experience working with them which I will always remember. We put on a great show that will be seen in Canada, Hong Kong and China. It is set to air in 2011.

1. CK Runs The Scotiabank Marathon

CK RUNS THE TORONTO MARATHON - Number 1 of the best of 2010

In September, after long training and perseverance, I ran the entire Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon. That's 42.2 Kilometers if you were not sure! I was on top of my game and knew that I could do it. I felt comfortable and ready. After crossing the finish line, I received a gold finishers medal. (you don't get a medal if you don't finish!) This was a huge accomplishment for me that easily makes the number one spot.

Other 2010 Highlights:

HAMILTON TAKEOVERCK AND THE BIG BLACK MACHINE HAMILTON TAKEOVER: We went to have dinner and drinks in the famous Hess Village, and to our surprise had an amazing time. The people were very friendly and hospitable, the vibe was inviting and non stuck-up and the food was delicious making us wonder, why would we even consider partying in downtown Toronto when Hamilton takes the same amount of time to drive to and is CHEAPER?!?

CK AND CHANTELLE BRUNCHES: During the summer I got to hang out with my friend, Chantelle and we'd go bowling and have Sunday brunches at Richtree. Not specifically in that order!! Getting crepes and omelettes with good conversation is worth the mention!

CK AT THE CNECK AND TAZEMASTER C.N.E. ADVENTURE: Going to the annual Canadian National Exhibition and bumping into my dear friends Renee, Mike and Reane. In what was originally going to be just us 2 guys, became a group of 5! We all ended up riding all the rides together and staying until the park closed. We enjoyed many rounds of Tiny Tom's donuts and had a lot of fun with the bumper cars.

MARYANA AND ALISON VISIT TORONTO: While I was in Montreal in August, I randomly met 2 girls who took a train from Calgary across Canada traveling from city to city. After Montreal, their next stop was Toronto! When they arrived, I took them to the Art Gallery of Ontario, some dive bars and some random niteclub. Prior to this visit, the girl's had a negative opinion of Toronto. Myself along with some other friends who assisted in showing them a good time helped to change that, as we had a very memorable time!

MICHELLE'S IRIE PARTYMICHELLE'S IRIE PARTY: Michelle and Alan's annual event didn't get rained on this year and we enjoyed ourselves with Jamaican cuisine, music and culture. Oh yes, Helen dropped by too!!

BACK TO THE FUTURE 25th ANNIVERSARY SHOWING: It was a once in a lifetime moment - to celebrate my favourite movie's showing on exactly 25 years after it was first put on the silver screen. There was a lot of hoopla that surrounded it at AMC Theatres -- Free posters, movie tickets, and swag. I went with Michelle and Chanel where we had a great time with other movie goers in a sold out theatre! As Huey Lewis and The News so eloquently put it: "...That's the power of love!!

KITCHENER ADVENTURESCK AND THE BIG BLACK MACHINE KITCHENER ADVENTURES: Although I always associate Kitchener with my dear friends, Jenni, Jasmine and Caitlin, there was a time we went there and didn't see them. We went to Guelph for my friend, Renee's wedding to Mike. A very cute wedding with lots of laughs and close family. We were very honoured to be a part of it. After the wedding, TBBM and I went to downtown Kitchener where they were having a Annual International Cultural Festival. This had lots of food, music and people. It was a fantastic event to stumble upon!

MOVIE NIGHTS WITH THE CHEE FAMILY: I have been collecting every single movie that Arnold Schwarzennegger has made. From his action packed flicks like, "Commando" to his very forgettable, "Junior". However, I can't watch these movies alone. I have been going over to my wonderful relatives, The Chee Family! With pizza, soda pop, a big screen tv and surround sound, we relive all of Arnold's famous catch phrases. ("GET DOHWNN!!!!" and "GET TO DEH CHAPPAH!!!") A sure highlight of 2010 that I look forward to repeating in the new year!

LAS VEGASLAS VEGAS: Some of you who know about the Las Vegas story might be wondering why it's not on this list. Well, although it might have been 1 of 2 major events I don't consider positive experiences, I actually don't have any pictures since my camera was stolen. Pretty much, I was drugged and kidnapped by 2 assailants, then I escaped with my life. It's a harrowing story that I will share soon.

PEARL-LEAH's BIRTHDAY PARTY: Arguably the unofficial president of the CK Fan Club, Pearl-Leah had a birthday party at her house in March. I haven't seen her in a long time, and was way overdue. It was a fun party complete with food, music and magic tricks! Yes, I said magic tricks! Her boyfriend, Paul is magician that performed tricks that had everyone saying "ooooh" and "ahhhh". I got to see my friend, Darcy and catch up with him as well. Always a good time at the Demitrioff house!

CK GOES TO WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO: In October, I went to see my friend, Melinda in Woodstock, a town about 1.5 hours west of Toronto. We had dinner at the Charles Dickens Pub. This place was amazing in every way. The British styled pub food was flawless, tasted great and the service was stellar. I was a total outsider visiting, but the staff made me feel like a regular. Combine that with a pint of stout and good some conversation with Melinda, it was a definite highlight of my 2010.

CK GOES TO CANADA'S WONDERLAND: One of my favourite summer experiences is going to Toronto's theme park, Canada's Wonderland. I got my season's pass early and started my summer off in May. I went an unprecedented SIX times!! It is 4 short of my goal to go 10 times. However, I had a blast going with my cousin, Michelle and then also meeting up with Renee and Mike. Favourite ride this year: THE BAT!

2010 was full of adventures and experiences that really shaped and defined me. There were a lot of highs and lows, but I persevered and set my goals. I still succeeded, when others said I would fail. I look forward to 2011 and all the adventures and cool experiences that come along with it.

posted at on Monday, December 27, 2010 by cK - Category: CrazyKelvin Adventures - 21804 views


Previous Comments

Anna Mc wrote: Hey Kelvin!!
happy New Year!!!
Hope you are going out dancing tonight
What a freaking eventful year!!!
I am looking forward to 2011
Friday, December 31, 2010
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