Monday, December 06, 2004

cK & Pals Goes To Create:Fixate

Daniel, Alex and cK Celebrate Art Exhibit's 3rd Year Anniversary...

My roomate, Dan told me about a hip art function going on in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday night. He told me that it was going to be a great crowd with DJ John Tejada playing in one of the rooms. Sounded like good fun to me! So Dan, and our other roomate, Alex head down there.

We get to the venue, happening at the Spring Arts Tower around 11pm. There was actually a line up. When was thte last time you saw a line up for entrance to an art exhibit? The admission was $10. Once we get in, we see lots of neat works of art from all sorts of artists. A lot of oil on canvas paintings,sculptures and pencil work. The exhibit was sectioned into 2 main labs. The Optical Lounge and Audio Lab. There were 2 Audio labs with complete dance floors where djs were spinning and funky people were dancing away. The optical lounges is where people got to mingle and discuss the works of art. I've never been to anything like this, and this was very cool.

The people here were all individuals. No posers or people with attitudes, it was all about the appreciation of expression and the arts.

I stayed in LAB 1, where John Tejada was spinning. Along with my pals, we danced for a while. I met some nice females who were dancing nearby to me. At one point, I had a little dance off with this one girl who tried to see how far low I could dance.... we got all the way to the ground... and the crowd made a circle around us. The poor girl fell back... but instead of boos, the crowd cheers and whistled. She smiled and knew that trying to contest with cK was a hard thing to do.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEOAfter a while, I left the dancefloor and was going to check out some of the art when I stumbled across a funny looking camera booth. People were taking pics and emailing it to themselves. So I went over and huddled up with Dan and Alex. You could take a set of 4 digital pics and send them to yourself, or you can send yourself a mini-video clip... all for FREE. So we did that. Here's the vid!!

After making some crazy faces on camera, I explored the arts on display. There was a lot of fascinating works. I took pictures of what I thought was really cool. There was another lounge that had more people mingling and buying drinks. I skimmed through that room and went to the other audio lab. I'm not sure who was the dj, but he was playing some great club music. Some tracks that I was bopping to back in 2000 when I was living in Canada. They brought back memories and I had to hit that dance floor. There were lots of people around me in that tight dancing space all feeling the groove and having a great time.

Around 1:30ish, Dan and Alex called me out of the dancefloor... they said we had to go. So the night pretty much ended there on a high note. A great party, art exhibit...I'd like to hit that again for sure!

Here are some pics I took from that great night:

Audio Lab 01
Audio Lab 01
Audio Lab 01
cK Chillin
John Tejada
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Audio Lab 02
posted at on Monday, December 06, 2004 by cK - Category: CrazyKelvin Adventures - 7879 views


Previous Comments

Exquisit_Gyal wrote: Hey!!!!
Wow that's some wicked art AND THEY HAD A DANCE FLOOR TOO!!!!
U MUST have busted some moves in there
Hee Hee :p
LOVE the chillin pic ;)
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
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