Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TEN Years of!

TORONTO, Ontario - Since 1999, has been reporting the fun and adventurous life guessed it, "Crazy" Kelvin. Today, we celebrate this online milestone.'s 10th Anniversary10 years ago, when the majority of internet users were using dial-up at home, was created. It started out as a college project to act as an online portfolio of Kelvin Mahadeo's drawings and paintings. There were many free hosting servers then, and the website's first home was at a little Massachusetts based company called VirtualAve. Over time, new sections were added, such as a "news" section, "weekly thought" and "wrestling news" section. The website grew outward beyond being just an online web portfolio, it became a "blog" before other people were even writing "blogs". It was an online representation of a person living an unconventional life. Showcasing his friends, art work, thoughts and news. In 2001, was awarded the "Golden Web Award" for excellence by The International Association of Web Masters and Designers (IAWMD).

From 1999 to 2003, when anyone did a search for "Kelvin" on google, lycos, yahoo --- was the number one search result. Being an online source for wrestling news, and his "World Famous Weekly Thought" helped to spider the website allowing it to show up ahead of any other website with "kelvin" in it.

During 1999, when Kelvin wrote his "weekly thought", he didn't think to really archive them. So he would write a "thought" on a page, and by the next week, he would overwrite that file with a new updated thought replacing the old one. It wasn't until 2000, where cK's friend, N8 DOGG suggested that he should start archiving the thoughts and make an archive list. So, that's what he did. Technology in the internet browsing world has made many advancements. One of them, was the development of a content management system (CMS) where a user updates one file, and then other files on the user's website are automatically updated. This was a major improvement for in 2004 as the Nucleus CMS was implemented to make the website more dynamic.

In 2005, after 7 years of service, discontinued using VirtualAve as their web hosting platform and moved over to a company based in California called WebHost4Life. (Uni Marketing Alliance) has recorded Kelvin's many adventures over the last 10 years while living in Toronto, Miami, Orlando, New York and Los Angeles. The website's interface would adapt to the city he was living in at the time, informing friends and family where he was and what he was up to. Today, other websites such as facebook or twitter work on the principle that was living on a decade ago. Kelvin has always kept banner and ad free, and sticks by it. None of his views and endorsements are bought by corporations or ad agencies. The website will remain that way, as a pure online space for people to learn and experience Kelvin's thoughts and art.

Here's to another 10 years!!!!

posted at on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 by cK - Category: News & Headlines - 24176 views
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