What is the deal with the huge fascination of Motorola 2 Way Pagers
in all these rap videos?!? Maybe 10 years ago, these neat little
devices would be the craze, but really now.. how much better are
they than your cell phone? Anyways, people can buy whatever they
want. They are free to do so.
Coming soon is a movie I can't wait to see... I am a big fan
of parody movies. It's "Not Another Teen Movie".
(No.. that's the name of the movie!!) Sure it's not going to win
an Oscar or some Golden
Globe, but I don't think thats what they were aiming for. I like
movies that point fun at other movies. It's no wonder that one
of my fav movies of all time is "Spaceballs".
Also, what also makes "Not Another Teen Movie"
more interesting is that its rated "R". That means only
people my age and older are going to the cinemas to view it. Or..
that's what we are supposed to believe. I know that some 15 year
olds are still going to find there way in there. Oh well.. I guess
when I was 15 I'd want to see it too.
It's already the CHRISTMAS month!! I can't believe it. It was
about a year ago around this time where I had the idea to move
to Miami. And here I am still here!!! Yes.. I do miss Toronto
very much. But for a person who moved away to a new country/city..
I've been back to "home" about 6 times for the year
already. I might still make another trip before the year is over.
I added my weekly favourite top 5 music tracks section on this
site lately.You can view it here.
Thought Archives/Responses
If you would like to have your question, comment
or thought posted, please e-mail me at ruffian2@hotmail.com.