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TORONTO, Ontario - Some say that bad things happen in threes, and that could be why October is possibly the worst month of back-to-back incidents for cK, ever!
CONCORD, Ontario - Just days after a senseless crime took place leaving shards of glass all over cK's prize ride, the nWo-3 is back on the road thanks to the friendly guys at Auto Glass Magic.
TORONTO, Ontario - In addition to the string of bad luck cK has been having recently, his showcase ride, the nWo-4 was broken into during broad daylight.
TORONTO, Ontario - CKNEWS has been informed that the one and only CrazyKelvin, will be featured at the Art Gallery of Ontario during an exhibition in 2009.
WASHINGTON, DC - CKNEWS has acquired news footage from our Washington affiliate, News Channel 3 with a story that CrazyKelvin may indeed be joining the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election!
TORONTO, Canada - The recent separation between cK's heart-throb, "Miss D." has invigorated CrazyKelvin to do a complete restructure of this Mind, Body and Soul. Comparable to an Olympic athlete's training regimen, cK is gearing up to get to an optimal status by doing his own personal renovation.
