This past weekend I was invited to go ice skating with Liza and
Brian. But for all of you who don't know, I live in MIAMI! It
doesn't snow here! The temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit! Well,
Floridian have to make an indoor arena to go ice skating. I would
like to tell everyone that I did go ice skating, but when given
the directions, I got lost. So I just ended up meeting my friends
for dinner.
Alright, time
for CK's Weekly Thought:
Last week's Thought had received a lot of responses of individuals
who had strong expressions about the subject of religion. I could
continue that subject but that is not what is on my mind this
No.. this
week I have some drama to discuss.
In January, my dear friend in London, England (who is also an
ex-girlfriend) called me up and told me that she was planning
on coming down to visit me. Let's name her Girlfriend X.
Girlfriend X said that she would like to visit me during her school
break the week of February 16 to the 23. I said that would be
fine. I have no major plans for then. The next day, my dear friend
in Windsor, Ontario named Shelley (my main dancing partner
in Toronto) called me and said that she's coming down to visit
me. She told me that she was coming down the week of February
24 to March 2.
Seeing that
there is no conflicts, I told her that its okay to come at that
time. Girlfriend X calls me a week later to confirm with me what
date she should come down, I told her that my friend Shelley is
coming the LAST WEEK of February, so DO NOT book your ticket for
then. She said, "okay."
Where do you
think I'm going with this?
Yes. Girlfriend X calls me a week later to tell me that she booked
her ticket from February 23 to March 2. Being in the position
I'm in, what do I say? I told her that she had to change her ticket
somehow. My friend Shelley will be furious. So... I called Shelley..
and I told her the deal. Shelley was not going to hear it. I called
back Girlfriend X and told her to call Shelley and explain why
she booked her ticket during Shelley's week.. it did not end in
any comprimise.
In the end,
Girlfriend X cancelled her trip entirely even though I could find
her earlier flights. I could tell she was heartbroken.But still,
how was I supposed to handle this? I was clear with my schedule
yet Girlfriend X has the impression that I "chose" someone
else over her. This is such a difficult subject to handle. Maybe
if I wasn't so honest and just said from the beginning that the
last week of February I'll be out of the city. Maybe I could have
avoided all of this.
Well, February
is still looking to be an interesting month as well as 2002 is
looking to be quite an interesting year. You can be sure to catch
all the photos that will be taken at the Kelvin Birthday BBQ and
Pool Party in a few weeks!! Everyone is definately invited!
All the best,
Thought Archives/Responses
i read ur thought for the day or was it week.. anyways..
SHITTY deal.. usually ppl like to hear the truth.. if i
was ur ex... (was it ur ex who said she ain't coming??)
anyways.. i wouldn't have made a big deal outta it.. since
technically I am ur ex.. not ur GF! Rite?? Girls have this
tendency to think that even though they are not going out
with this guy anymore.. they still have a leash on his life
..... As for her actions, I think it was immature.. Ask
her if should would feel comfortable with u hanging out
with her and ur friend at the same time.. Would she feel
comfortable??? I DON"T THINK SO! Would she feel comfortable
if u lied and told her ur outta town and she found out u
really weren't?? I mean u told the truth.. I give u credit
for that. and she shouldn't be upset if ur hanging out with
ur friend.. she has no rite to be.. u can't put ur life
on hold for her... And another thing.. she should be happy
that ur even able to have time for her.. with UR BUSY PERSONAL
LIFE... WOW! She's lucky ur giving her a week of ur time!
If you would like to have your question, comment
or thought posted, please e-mail me at